Thursday, 22 January 2015

Going Abroad Gift Guide!

I should be studying for my Marketing Communications exam for the day after tomorrow, but as you see: I'm not. Instead I'm browsing the interwebs in search for fun little tokens to give a friend who is going abroad for a while. She's going to Taiwan, which is FAR and I consider her a very brave person for daring to go to a country she doesn't know the language of. When I went abroad to London two years ago I was suprised of the effort that my family and friends put into their little gifts for me. My father's best friend made a hand made recipe book with his children. He even added some CD's I could listen to while cooking with songs they had chosen themselves. I loved it, SO cute. Other friends gave me little photo albums, dutch sweets, or secondhand books with little messages in it. I felt so warm and filled with love when they all came to my parents' house on that New Years' Day to say goodbye.

A lot of people around me are going abroad for a while, for studies, interships, or just for travels. I can imagine I'm not the only person on this planet looking far and wide for small presents to give their friends that are leaving, That's why I've made a list with ideas for the buddies out there with that same problem. Here we goooo

1. A Special Necklace/Bracelet/Ring
I'm not really a fan of giving people money or digital stuff. Personally, I love receiving personal gifts and that's immediately the reason why I prefer giving them too. If you are very close with the person leaving, give them a little jewel that means something to you. Or if you're afraid of them losing it: buy a new one! Give it to them as a lucky charm. An additional idea: make it a jewel that you give back once in a while so the both of you can wear it. This way it travels with you both :).

2. A Little Notebook
Do you know the Paperblanks notebooks? I love them. They have the most beautiful and sparkly designs and come in different sizes. One of the smallest are the Micro Paperblanks. The little books are as big as the palm of your hand so don't take in a lot of space: they fit in every bag! Even in the smallest clutch. I'm giving one of these to the friend that's going to Taiwan, so she can write little notes, ideas and addresses in it.

3. An XXL Sleeping T-shirt with Photos on It
I got one from my best friend when I left for London. She came with my family to the airport in Amsterdam to wave me goodbye, and gave me a wrapped package. "Open it when you're up in the air," she said. It was such a nice surprise when I opened it: a white shirt, with all kinds of photos of us together on it. I'm always sleeping in big ass t-shirts, which she knew, so for me it was a perfect present. You could also do this with, for instance, a pillow bag. Most of the time you can just design and order them online.

4. A book!
If you read books on a regular basis, you could give one that you really enjoyed yourself. Scribble a note in it, and you have a personal gift that can be read on the plane/bus/train.

5. Letters
One for every month that your friend is gone, or for when he/she is gone for a shorter time: for every week. Write down a nice message, make a funny drawing, just anything to deliver a good start of the week or month.

6. A Leather Journal
If your friend likes journaling, as in writing, doodling, or something similar, give him/her a nice journal to pen down their journey. I personally find leather 'wrapping' journals really nice and pretty, but of course, everyone has a different taste so do buy what you think is right. If you like leather ones: they sell good ones at Barnes & Noble.

In the end, it doesn't really matter what you give. Bear in mind that people that are going abroad don't have a lot of space in their luggage, so keep it small and light. Even a hug could be enough!

Monday, 12 January 2015

Doodle #1/2015

Tonight it's rainy in Holland. The wind is blowing full force against my windows and I'm here snuggled up in my small bed, doodling about happy raindrops.