Saturday, 2 May 2015

Reasons to Love Tame Impala.

Tame Impala. I have got some serious love in my body for those men. Their tunes do not only make me warm inside, they own the capability to make me feel dreamy, fierce, energized and relaxed at the same time. I get happy instantly when hearing one of their psychedelic melodies. Yet, there is a lot more to love about these aussie boys.

Number 1. This is a representation of what Tame Impala music does to you:

Number 2. Their album and single covers are amaaaazing            And LOOK, some of them even do THIS

 photo tumblr_nmxtlu7TNK1s4gi0qo1_400_zpsipwkssbz.gif

Yeah, woah, I know right? Amazing. There's more:

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Oh my god, such cool.

Number 3. This is their lead singer: Kevin Parker. He's really talented.

Does it gives you summer festival feels already?

This is him too.

And this is him on a cute couch.

Number 4. Kevin Parkers vision on music is on point. Quote:

Eh…. I feel like music will be free sooner or later, and I think I’m all for it. There’s all this talk of music needing a monetary value, this ownership of music, even that it needs a physical form. But intrinsically… it’s MUSIC, it should be better than that. Some of my most important musical experiences were from a burnt CD with songs my friend downloaded for me at a terrible digital quality… I didn’t care… it changed my life all the same. For me the value of music is the value you extract from it. You want to know a story? Up until recently, from all of Tame Impala’s record sales outside of Australia I had received…. zero dollars. Someone high up spent the money before it got to me. I may never get that money. Then Blackberry and some tequila brand or something put my song in an ad. Then I bought a house and set up a studio. I know what you’re thinking… “Wait so…when I bought an album I was helping some businessman pay for his mansion on an island somewhere, and when some dude bought a mobile phone he was helping to pay an artist? WHHHYY?” I’ll tell you why, IT’S MONEY. It doesn’t always go where you want it to go. It’s like a shopping trolley with a bung wheel. As far as I’m concerned the best thing you can do for an artist is LISTEN to the music…fall in love with it…….talk about it………get it however you can get it….Let the corporations pay for. This is just my brain rambling remember, I’m sure there are holes in my theories… for example I realize not everyone’s music is suited to a mobile phone ad, and it would be lame if artists tailored their music for that purpose.

Number 5. A third studio album "Currents" is on the way and will be released this year. As you might have guessed: I cannot wait.

If you don't know Tame Impala yet. Please, get to know them.

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